Guardian Nite™ World Health was created by Sir Richard Rockfire, as the world's best healthcare and diet source. It began with the use of Micro Medical Hydrogen, otherwise known as Ionized - Naturally Alkalized, Living Water. This product is the greatest discovery in medical science in the past 30 years. It literally STOPS over 80% of all diseases within days of its consumption - when used with the right diet, it has saved the lives of countless Cancer & Diabetes Patients.
Our bodies are over 70% Water. "You are what you eat," has been a common saying for many centuries. However, we now know that you are mostly what YOU DRINK! The quality of the Water, Juice, and Teas a person consumes is the greatest benefactor of all. Store-bought Alkaline water is very bad for our bodies because it is made by the use of Chemicals to produce its alkaline nature. Only through the proper strong Electrical Ionization Process, can a water source become a very Healthy benefactor of clean fresh Naturally Charged Alkalized Micro Living Water, which makes all the difference in Life!
Before we get directly into the Diet itself, it's very important to note that one of the most Crucial & Overlooked issues for ALL areas in Health, is Stress! A person's Attitude & Outlook in Life will determine just how Far & Long they can go... If they are Sincerely Happy, then they will be a lot Healthier and live much Longer in the end. Stress is caused by many things and areas of Conflict or Chaos in one's Life. How they deal with that Stress can mean the difference between Life & Death! This is very misunderstood by most people and even overlooked by most Health Professionals.
There are many ways that Stress can affect a person's Health - Mentally & Physically! When a person is Stressed, they develop Bad Habits as outlets for their emotional trauma: Overeating, Drinking, Smoking, Use of Drugs, Lack of Sleep, Anger Issues, Depression, and Much More... Each of these things are Side Effects of Stress, and add to Bad Health & Attitude in Life. Then, these Bad Habits become a new habitual way of living - even after their Stress is gone. They have become Accustomed & Reliant on their Bad Habits as a common way of each day. So, it is now their Bad Habits that are starting to Physically Stress them even more, but most people cannot see this at the time it is happening. Some of these habitual things have also become Serious Addictions that are very hard to break! So, Stress is one of the most crucial key factors in Health!
Stress alone is very bad for the Mind & Body, but when Bad Habits are developed on top of the Stress, a person now has a double dose of disaster to deal with. It is very important to take the first step in ALL areas of Life from within. Then a person can truly focus on the areas needed in the Physical; and avoid the Bad Habitual things that truly hurt them and make them very Sick in the end!
On the Diet's side itself, the primary focus is on eating Real Organic Natural Foods and consuming at least one gallon (4 liters) of Ionized Living Water every day. It also focuses on the great need to "Juice" at least once a day - consuming Homemade Vegetable and Fruit combinations to maximize the proper daily needs of Vitamins & Antioxidants. It also teaches the vast importance of staying completely away from ALL use of Fluoride water for bathing, cooking, or consumption. Likewise, people should include the daily use of Curcumin/Turmeric, to aid in removing the harsh Calcium Deposits from their brains, and bodies, which is caused by Fluoride consumption.
Too much Salt should be avoided as most people know, but what most people do not know is that Sugar, is their worst Natural Enemy in food. Sugar is one of the key factors in most Health-related issues from Diabetes & Obesity, to Heart Disease! Sugar is one of the main food sources for most bacteria and viral diseases. Sugar causes inflammation and greatly increases a person's Calories! Sugar should be avoided as much as possible.
The next focus is in only consuming real Natural Whole Dairy Products, such as 100% Real Cheeses, Butters, and Eggs. Natural Raw Milk is hard to get from stores but is one of the Healthiest food sources to consume due to the benefits it provides for Fighting & Preventing Allergies. The daily consumption of Natural Beans, Berries & Nuts, are likewise very important. Certain Natural Fats & Cholesterol Foods should be consumed every day, for Heart, Brain, and Liver Health. It is also very important to use Natural Honey from YOUR area, and Apple Cider Vinegar for cooking and the basic everyday food preps and seasonings that you need... They are extremely good for you!
It then takes a very serious look at the over-consumption of red meat. People must eat much more Naturally, by relying on Beans, Nuts, Eggs, Whey Protein, and Cheeses, as their primary source for Protein and Great Health. People can still eat meat but must eat very wisely... The harsh toxic meats that people should not eat are: Pork (Pig), Most Shellfish, ALL Fish Types without Scales & Fish with Scales that are High in Heavy Metals & Toxins, Horses, Reptiles, Elephants, Rhinos, Canines (Dogs), Felines (Cats), Birds of Prey, Scavengers, Monkeys/Apes, Rabbits, Armadillos, Animals that climb trees, Bears, Dolphins/Whales, Rodents, Predators/Hunters of Prey, and of course: Humans. The over-consumption of meat is also destroying this planet. Most of the grains grown today are being used to unnaturally feed the animals society consumes. Lands are being lost, and foods that should be used for Human Consumption, are being fed to animals that Normally would not eat them.
Pork (Pig) is one of the World's most sold meats and it tastes very good to most meat-eaters, which is why so many people constantly eat it. Pork meat, in general, offers a lot of the good Proteins & Needed Fat/Acids for good health. However, Pork/Pig meat is also one of the biggest Risk Factors for Contaminates & Infections within its meat. Many people from all areas of the World get Sick from eating Pork each year. Some people even Die! The Pork meat that is sold to the Public in Stores & Restaurants is Farm/Factory Raised and also contains High Levels of Antibiotics & Growth Hormones, which are very BAD for Human Consumption. Pork/Pig meat is not good at all for Human Health in the end. Most of the problems that occur within Pork/Pig meat, come from a Pig's Short Digestive System, which does not filter out its many Toxins & Bacteria. These things then make their way into the Pig's Fat & Meat! Pigs do not have normal working Sweat Glands and therefore cannot Sweat Out the many harsh Toxins they have. This is also the reason why Pigs love to roll around in the dirty wet Mud and in their on Feces because it is how they Cool Off from the Heat. Pigs are one of the smartest animals on the planet, but they are also one of the Filthiest and are known to Farmers as the Clean Up Crews for Garbage & Animal Feces. You are what you eat, which is also the same for most Scavenger Shellfish!
The best meats are: Wild Game & 100% Naturally Grown Fish, Chicken, Turkey, Venison (Deer), Lamb, Elk, Bison, Beef, and Duck. Pink Salmon, Mussels, and Deer are at the very top of this preferred list, due to each of their important Health Benefits. Other meats not listed, should be highly researched before consumption.
The daily intake of Natural Healthy Fats is a must for Heart, Liver, and Brain Health. Most diseases take hold because of three basic factors occurring in the body: Low Levels of Alkalized Antioxidants, Not enough needed supply of the Type of Nutritional Fuel Necessary to prevent the takeover, and too much Sugar! Remember: Heart Disease, Diabetes, Alzheimer's, and Cancer, were not even around or heard of until it all began just over 100 years ago.
People don't seem to STOP & Ask themselves - Why? Maybe it all starts with Sadness & Stress! Maybe it's because of Change in Milk & Dairy Products that had its start by being Pasteurized at the beginning of the 20th Century, due to a batch of contaminated milk... However: We now have perfectly good working refrigeration units Worldwide, and this process, is No Longer Needed! Maybe it is also because newly used Refined Carbohydrates were greatly introduced into mass consumption. Maybe it's because modern technology gave way to refrigeration, which allowed for the storage and mass sell of the High Sugar & Refined Carbohydrate Products; which contained the first manmade Trans-Fats. Maybe it's because they eventually started putting Fluoride & Harsh Chemicals into most of our Water & Food Supplies. Maybe it's because the FDA is being paid off by the biggest Drug Dealers in the World. Maybe it's because out of all the many thousands of years of living, no one eats the way they Naturally did, before all of this nonsense, suddenly began at the beginning of the 20th Century. Maybe now, Greed & Fear, will not Stop it... Hmmm - Just Maybe...?
There's an old saying: "If you want to believe a lie, then I will give you an illusion so strong that it will make you believe that lie." However, there's another saying that very clearly and plainly states: "God/Nature, did not put a living thing here on this planet that cannot take care of itself on its own." Everything has a Genetic Capability to survive against any other Natural thing, on its own. In MOST CASES - NOT ALL, if one needs "Drugs" to help them, then they are not eating and drinking the right things. Their own bodies can fight MOST Natural Virus, Bacteria, Germs, or Basic Injuries, without the need of anything else, but a good diet. The main excuse for "Medicine" is that it's making the Drug Dealers the Richest People on Earth. One Drug usually leads to another, and another, and another... Some Medicines are Important & Truly Needed, however, MOST of them are NOT!!!
People should stay completely away from ALL Disease-Causing manmade foods that contain High Sugar, Refined Carbohydrates, and Trans Fat products, such as Sodas, Snack Cakes & Cookies, Fake Cheeses & Fake Butters, Most Finely Ground Breads & Crackers, Certain Pasta, Most Types of Asian Style Noodles, Most High Starch Snack Chips, Most Store-Bought Frozen Dessert Products and ALL "Junk Food" in general. This does NOT include Real Snack Foods, like Homemade Popcorn with Real Butter, Quality Nuts & Seeds, Dehydrated Natural Fruits, Berries & Vegetables, or Natural Whole Grain products, which can even be used to make Healthy ALL Natural Homemade Cakes, Cookies & Pies.
The daily intake of quality vitamin supplements such as Folic Acid, Vitamin D, and most lacking vitamins and minerals, should be a must on everyone's list. Also, it's important to note: Vitamins should be taken during the course of actual FULL Meals. However, do your research when buying Vitamins, and be sure they are Real, and NOT Chemical Mock-Ups, Watered Down, or containing Additional Harmful Additives and/or Unnatural Ingredients.
The very best meals to eat are vegetable-based Soups & Salads with 100% Real Whole Cheese and Beans. Animal meat should be consumed very sparingly, and not in every meal. Carbohydrates are needed, but they are NOT an essential part of any REAL Diet, because all carbs breakdown into Sugar, which is just fuel for Viruses. A little bit of Rice, Quality Pasta, or Whole Grain Wheat Bread, can be consumed in some meals, but not all the time. People need a Well Balanced Diet of Proper Fuels!
Now for the part that may really hurt: Cut out the Beer Drinking Men; because it contains way too many bad carbs - Aye! If you must have an ol' drink, then drink more Naturally Mates: Straight Vodka, Bourbon, Scotch, Decent Low Sugar Red Wine, or Cognac. Know when and how to STOP Responsibly, and do NOT drink too MUCH!!! A little Alcohol, on occasion, is okay to consume - especially, if it's a small amount of quality Red Wine, with a meal. However, over-consumption is the biggest health issue in drinking. Honestly - 100% Scientifically Proven Medical Fact in Multiple Areas: Cannabis is one of the Healthiest and most Powerful Natural Things to be used on Planet Earth... However, this does NOT mean that people should sit around smoking it and getting high all the time. We do not support smoking anything! Smoke is not good for your lungs. Cannabis can be safely ingested through the right recipes for its Oil in food products, or drinks, which can have many good Health Benefits as well. Too much Alcohol is very bad for you and can be deadly.
Mainly eating Fresh Natural Organic Vegetables, Beans, Berries, Nuts, Fruits, and 100% Whole Dairy Products, such as Eggs, Cheese, Butter, and Whey Protein, are the best food sources of all. They should be 90% of your total diet, along with proper healthy homemade "Juicing".
Maintaining a very strong and Naturally Alkalized Body, with more than enough rich Vitamins and Antioxidants are your true keys to a very long and Healthy disease-free life. Those things, when added together with Low Stress, Positive Attitude, Sincere Focus, and Common Exercise, will change your Life Forever.
To learn more about the extreme importance and incredible health benefits of this new approach to health and diet, please research our prior page: Micro Medical Hydrogen, and thoroughly view ALL of the videos and information listed on this page below... We also invite you to visit ROCKFIRE WORLDSHARE™ to Learn much more about having the Right Positive Attitude for ALL areas in Life! Thank You & Godspeed Indeed!!!
There is NOTHING that God/Nature Cannot Provide!!!
Everything We Have Ever Needed, is Already Here!!!
Yet, Until Now - It's Been Kept From Us... Why...?
Not Anymore... The Keys Are Now YOURS!!!
We've Done the Research for YOU!!!
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Now Learn:
Where ALL Health Factors Begin
The Real Facts About Pork/Pig Meat
Facts About Eating in the World Today
An Important Mix for Life
The Greatest Cover Up - The Big Lies
To Save A Child & Millions More...
FACTS Most People Do Not Know
Guardian Nite™ World Health
We are exposing the Truth, and giving you the Facts that you need to
Live Healthy & Be Disease Free! What You do in Life, is up to YOU!
However, Corruption never ends, but neither will our Fight to STOP
the Insanity and Start the Healing... Godspeed Indeed!!!
Hello Folks, this is Richard Rockfire...
FIRST, Read This... Do Your Reseach...
Then, Open Your Mouth to Speak!!!
I wish I could say that I had ALL of the COMPLETE FACTS for Everything in Life, but NO ONE DOES!!! All we can do is LEARN from our Mistakes & Research the Real TRUTH behind it all...
In the World of "Medicine & Diet," New Things are always being talked about, but literally, NONE of those things have ANY Real Long-term Studies of ANY KIND to Truly Support them! People take their paths in life, based on what Attracts them most, and the issues they feel most comfortable in either Accepting or at least Dealing with!
I will say it once more for the Record: There are absolutely NO REAL COMPLETE LONG-TERM SCIENCE FACTS about over 90% of the Medicines or Techniques used in Society Today - AND THAT IS THE ONLY REAL FACT ON THE ISSUE THAT YOU HAVE!!! Therefore, Anyone that speaks Harshly Against Another - is really talking through their Hat - over 90% of the time!
The ONLY Real Proven FACTS that we do KNOW are that when people sincerely TRUST & BELIEVE in something, they will use it More Often & Stick to It! So, if someone is Convinced that they will be better or Get Better by doing something - they will... That is called FAITH & Acting on what YOU BELIEVE!!!
Almost every major "Medical Study" in the past has been very one-sided to Support it's own Study issues and claims. This is NOT True Science, but simple manipulation of Results to better Support the Theoretical Concepts at hand. This was done by the "Greatest Names in Medical History" & still holds TRUE until today! You cannot make something a FACT just because you want it to be for FAME, MONEY, or Recognition... It still remains just what it is: A Theory... However, now that Theory has been completely manipulated into Unproven False Claims & Respesented LIES... Most of which are still available via its own Original - LEFT OUT BUT RECORDED - DATA!
In Point of FACT: Placebos work for a while, but will eventually STOP!!! However, truly Happy & Fulfiled people, seem to be able to Eat, Drink, Smoke & Do whatever they want, and still LIVE the Longest under "Medically Procaimed Impossible Conditions"... These are the absolute REAL COLD HARD SCIENCE FACTS!!!
Nature provides EVERYTHING a person needs to Survive on their own, but there is NO MONEY in that! So, in today's World, we have Created & Completely Fabricated Manmade Diseases & Ideas to help further the issues of MAKING MASSIVE MONEY off of the RELIANCE on "DOCTORS & MEDICINE" $$$
1. A Balanced Diet of Real Natural Carbs are Needed in everyone's Diet, but Carbohydrates themselves are NOT the Key Factors... The Nutritional Antioxidant Source of their Vegetation is!!!
2. Organic Naturally Grown foods are by far the BEST & the ONLY NATURAL SAFE FOODS to actually consume!
3. Eating Refined Carbohydrates such as Storebought Sugars, Fine Flours/Bread, Pasta, Oriental Noodles, Cheap Junk Foods & High Sugar or Acidic Based Drinks, are very BAD for YOU!
4. Almost ALL foods breakdown into SUGAR, which is called Glucose in the Blood, and is very important in all areas as fuel, but must remain Balanced... Therefore, consuming direct Sugar from Refined Carbohydrates is extremely unhealthy & can be Deadly!
5. Cholesterol is one of the most important factors in your body, but it is NOT HDL or LDL, which are High-Density Lipoproteins & Low-Density Lipoproteins, which have nothing to do with Cholesterol except that they are how Cholesterol is transported through the blood... Cholesterol is a Key Factor in your body's Building Blocks, Maintenance & Repair System... In almost every case, High Cholesterol is NOT the Problem - nor a REAL Health Concern, Diet & Body Damage to be repaired literally are!
6. The use of most Manmade "Chemical Medicines" have severe Side Effects, and usually, lead to eventual Life-long Presciptions of MANY MORE! Almost ALL "Pharmecitucal Medicines" have NOT been Long-term tested before issue, and most tests are usually one-sided to get the drugs "Acceptable" for sell as quickly as possible!
7. No Simple Diet or Medicine Alone can truly be a Complete Science of Cure for ANYONE... All people must have FAITH in their ways of Life & Living, and be Sincerely Happy & Satisfied with what they have for best Health!!!
8. If your body is truly Craving something at a time, then it must need it for a reason... However, it does NOT mean that what your body is Truly Craving, should come from Bad "Junk Foods" because that is how it has gotten most of that PART of its needs in the past... If it came from an Addictive Junk Food Source, it should NOT receive it that way anymore... Junk Foods are Scientifically Produced to TASTE & SMELL Very Good... But they are NOT good for your body at all in the end... They contain added MSG (Monosodium Glutamate), Sugar, Chemicals, Salt, Food Additives such as Additional Synthetic Fibers, Food Colorings, Fragrance, and Preservatives. You see: Your Body might need one thing from that Bad Food you Taught It to Crave, but the REST of those BAD Ingredients, it does NOT Truly Want or Need... Feed your Body Right & YOU Will KNOW IT... An example of this is Natural Fatty Foods that include other Healthy Ingredients such as Tomato-based foods like Pizza, Spaghetti & Most Style Tacos... These foods contain Lycopene, which is Rich in Cooked Tomatoes... In this case, it is actually the High-Fat Content of the Meat & Cheese being mixed together with the Lycopene & Healthy Carotenoids of the Sauce that your body really Craves... Not Bad Additives... So, LEARN what to eat to really make your Body & YOU feel the very BEST that You CAN!!! *YES, you can still eat your Favorite foods if they are made from "REAL" Fresh Organic Natural Low Carb/Sugar Ingredients.
9. Natural Fats are at the TOP of the important list of what your body must have plenty of every day to maintain the Heart, Liver, Pancreas, & Brain in optimal health... The overall wellbeing of the body depends on being properly Alkaline & maintaining a direct balance of Low Healthy Carbs, High Healthy Fats, and plenty of good Antioxidants... Most of the Protein a person gets should come from Natural Organic Foods such as Whole Dairy Products, Beans, Nuts, & Fatty Fish like Mussles & Salmon... The extra ingredient of Refined Sugars & "Too Much"- Red Meat, should be avoided!!!
10. Just because someone is more Educated to an issue than You, it does NOT make them Right... Some of the most brilliant minds in history were Insane & Mass Murders! If someone wants to Support their own Views, Opinions or Beliefs, it does not mean they are Justified in doing so, or FACTUALLY BASED... No one's Simple Personal Views should ever become another's New Found Religion of thinking!!! Just "FOOD" for thought... This is why everyone must think for themselves... Cheers!!!
Sir Richard Rockfire
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